Installation — nerves v1.7.13
The easiest installation route on MacOS is to use Homebrew.Just run the following: If you've already installed Erlang & Elixir using Homebrew, you'll need touninstall them to avoid clashes with the recommended ASDF installation. Optionally, if you want to build custom Nerves Systems, you'll also need toinstall Docker for Mac. After installingDocker for Mac, you will likely want to adjust the resource limits imposed onDocker, to allow it to successfully compile more complicat…
The easiest installation route on MacOS is to use Homebrew.Just run the following: If you've already installed Erlang & Elixir using Homebrew, you'll need touninstall them to avoid clashes with the recommended ASDF installation. Optionally, if you want to build custom Nerves Systems, you'll also need toinstall Docker for Mac. After installingDocker for Mac, you will likely want to adjust the resource limits imposed onDocker, to allow it to successfully compile more complicat…
DA: 100 PA: 49 MOZ Rank: 28