Declarations of War on Apple Podcasts
225: EVE Vegas 2021 225: EVE Vegas 2021 "Salt After Dark" assessment of BRAVE's capabilities divides the DoW community-Alek gives the highlights and lowlights of the first post-pandemic EVE Vegas-Dreadbomb experiences more setbacks in Tenerifis as FIRE continues their offensive-A coup within NSH leads to a historic brawl in Pochven-AT prize ships are announced with a controversial prize pool-CRABs were pre-nerfed; CCP reduced their costs and buffs rewards while making the NPC AI less likely to protect the users from other playersYou going to EVE Vegas 2022? Yes No It's possible, but I haven't decided ResultsPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. 56 min OCT 18, 2021224: Horizontal Move 224: Horizontal Move "A couple days turned into a couple weeks. You can tell BRAVE isn't looking for jobs..." in on BRAVE's relocation from Geminate to Pure Blind-Dreadbomb "relocates" staging back to Tenerifis after losing/sacrificing a key invasion Fortizar-Pochven residents celebrates its 1st anniversary with Totality Day-Alek is smart and moved a Bowhead through Thera-Leave your best comment on this episode's YT highlight to have a chance at winning a Partner skin!Is BRAVE a "paper tiger" Yes No ResultsPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. 56 min OCT 4, 2021223: CRAB People 223: CRAB People "Speaking of good fights...." a partner skin? Give us your best comment: -Contract Wrap Up: Great Wildlands vs EBOLA/GameTheory-A new CRABbing tool: Horde Mode-Developments in nullsec: RC and FIRE move closer to all-out-war while BRAVE moves to Pure Blind-New mech in the DoW store! The Network alliance logo and a beloved by-the-community modification.You're an alliance leader: Is relocating from Geminate to Pure Blind worth it? Yes No ResultsPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. 49 min SEP 20, 2021222: The Producers feat. Bei Artjay and General Stargazer 222: The Producers feat. Bei Artjay and General Stargazer "I'm not going to edit that."-EVE_NT OG's Bei Artjay and General Stargazer give a behind the scenes look at the Alliance Tournament-The improbable story behind the first AT that EVE_NT got involved with producing -This year's feeder rounds and open practices draw unprecedented viewership-Teams to watch according to the analysts -CONTRACT UPDATE: Great Wildlands-A number of awesome AARs from the contract and major engagements in highsec, lowsec, and nullsecWho would you rather see survive?The Army of Mangos 69%, 11 votes 11 votes 69% 11 votes - 69% of all votesFraternity. 31%, 5 votes 5 votes 31% 5 votes - 31% of all votesTotal Votes: 16 September 20, 2021 - October 3, 2021 Voting is closedPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. 1 hr 7 min SEP 8, 2021221: The Need to Feed 221: The Need to Feed “Had a real casual vibe going on”-Numerous contract updates including some balls to the wall WH fights-Alliance Tournament Feeder Rounds feature interesting comps, thrilling upsets, and Alek on commentary!-Rorquals and whaling return in a big way as TEST seeks to reestablish themselves in the dronelands while everyone takes turns kicking them when they're downDid you watch the AT Feeder Rounds?Yes 61%, 17 votes 17 votes 61% 17 votes - 61% of all votesNo 21%, 6 votes 6 votes 21% 6 votes - 21% of all votesI haven't but I will 18%, 5 votes 5 votes 18% 5 votes - 18% of all votesTotal Votes: 28 September 8, 2021 - September 19, 2021 Voting is closedPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. 1 hr 2 min AUG 23, 2021220: FC of the Year feat. Asher Elias 220: FC of the Year feat. Asher Elias “All those events led up to this one terrible decision...” FC of the Year Asher Elias of Goonswam joins us as our special guest-Goons victorious! What might be next for them and their public enemy #1 TEST-What a difference a war makes: WWBI retreat vs WWBII trench warfare and how Imperium changed between them-Behind the scenes stories of WWBI-The mechanics behind Imperium's system defense strategy-Asher breaks down the key turning points and watershed moments of the war-Fleets that defined the war: Muninns vs Sacrileges vs BS-WE'RE IN THE ALLIANCE TOURNAMENT! -The cast breaks down the ATXVII brackets and the path of feeder teams to the main dance-A brief contract update: Saving a WH from mutiny!We're going to pass [Remix]EVE's true apex predators?HACs 75%, 21 vote 21 vote 75% 21 vote - 75% of all votesBattleships 25%, 7 votes 7 votes 25% 7 votes - 25% of all votesTotal Votes: 28 August 23, 2021 - September 5, 2021 Voting is closedPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. 1 hr 45 min
DA: 57 PA: 3 MOZ Rank: 15